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For housing abundance and diverse, livable communities in Asheville

More Missing Middle Housing for Asheville

Asheville’s Missing Middle Timeline

The timeline below reflects our best understanding of how events might play out. We’ll be updating this page whenever we learn more.

Summer/Fall 2023: Asheville’s “Missing Middle Study” will be conducted.

Summer/Fall 2023: Concurrent with the study, the city may hold various public input sessions and surveys.

August 4th: Missing Middle “Open House” at the Harrah’s Cherokee Center

Winter 2023/4: The completed “Missing Middle Study” will be delivered to the city government.

November 17th: Final draft of Asheville’s Missing Middle Housing Study released

January 4th: City staff presented findings to City Council members at “worksession”

Asheville For All delivered an open letter to City Council calling for “missing middle” reforms that are “broad, ambitious, and swift.” You can read the letter here.

Spring 2024: City staff will work on revising Asheville’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), based on recommendations from the study. City staff may also propose reforms to the permitting process for new multifamily construction.

Spring 2024: Asheville’s relevant commissions and boards, such as Planning and Zoning, will hear presentations on the staff’s proposals.

Fall 2024: City Council will vote on the first set of staff’s proposed revisions.

September 10th: City Council are expected to hear and vote on the first set of “middle housing” reforms.

Repeated Delays: Throughout summer and fall 2024, city staff and council delayed hearings and votes on various “missing middle” related reforms.

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