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For housing abundance and diverse, livable communities in Asheville

“Asheville Residents Deserve Homes in Resilient, Sustainable Neighborhoods”

by Asheville For All
February 17, 2025

The article or media referenced in this post does not necessarily reflect the views of Asheville For All or its members.

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Check out “Asheville residents deserve homes in resilient, sustainable neighborhoods” at Mountain Xpress:

In response to the tragedy of Tropical Storm Helene, we’ve seen an impressive flurry of action by governments, community leaders, nonprofits and neighbors. We hope that some of that energy will now be directed toward Asheville’s long-simmering tragedy: the housing shortage.

Simpy put, there’s not enough housing for everyone who lives, works or goes to school here, and the shortfall has fostered sprawl, displacement, increasing homelessness and a higher cost of living for everyone from service workers to teachers to nurses to artists. All of this was only exacerbated by Helene.

Read the full article here.

The article or media referenced in this post does not necessarily reflect the views of Asheville For All or its members.

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