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For housing abundance and diverse, livable communities in Asheville

“Include Zoning and Development in Climate Policy”

by Asheville For All
April 17, 2023

The article or media referenced in this post does not necessarily reflect the views of Asheville For All or its members.

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Check out “Include Zoning and Development in Climate Policy” at Mountain Xpress:

Mountain Xpress recently reported that the city of Asheville has released its Municipal Climate Action Plan, just in time for Earth Month....It’s loaded with lots of good ideas, but one idea that’s missing is: “Audit our zoning and development regulations for their ability to support climate-friendly development patterns.”

Simply put, zoning/development policy is climate policy. And to the city’s credit, independent of the MCAP, the city’s Planning and Urban Design Department is taking a step in that direction with a missing-middle housing study. The study’s purpose is to review the city’s Unified Development Ordinance (i.e., our zoning and development rules) in relation to how its rules may help or hinder the creation of housing types like duplexes, town houses and small apartment buildings....

Read the full article here.

The article or media referenced in this post does not necessarily reflect the views of Asheville For All or its members.

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